Videos on social networks are one of the best tools we can use to reach a large mass of users, since one of the things they like best is watching videos. Video marketing is a marketing method where audiovisual support is used to publicize and market a service, a brand or a product. Video marketing is also using this method to broaden participation in its social, digital channels, teach its consumers and customers, and approach its audience with a new medium.

Why Should You Use Video In Your Business?

One of the things that millions of users watch on social networks are videos, and for this reason, this is one of the best ways to publish a brand or a product. According to studies, more than 50% of consumers want to watch brand videos, and prefer this method to watch other content. The video not only serves to entertain, a video on a landing page can increase conversion rates by more than 80%, the simple reference of the word video in the subject line of the email increases the open rates by 19%. Also Read This: Planning A Successful Video Marketing Strategy

Apart from all this information, 90% of customers also say that videos help them make decisions when making a purchase. Video has not only changed the way companies sell and consumers buy, it has also modified the way sellers link to potential customers. It has also made service teams support and captivate customers. In conclusion, video is a wonderfully useful tool if we want to increase our brand awareness.

Types Of Marketing Videos

Before you start recording a video you must define what type of video you want to create. Here are the options: 

Demo videos: These videos are going to show how your product works, whether it is to drive the public to explore its software and how it can be used or how a physical product can be developed and tested.

Branded videos: These branded videos are usually created as part of a larger advertising campaign, which announces the company's mission, vision or high-level products and services.

Videos of an event: If your company is going to organize a conference, a fundraiser or some other type of event, create a reel that stands out or disseminates attractive interviews and presentations of the meeting.

Expert interviews: One of the best ways to build trust and authority with your target audience is to interview internal experts or opinion leaders in your industry.

Educational or instructional videos: You can use this type of video to expose your audience to something they don't know about or develop the essential knowledge to better understand your business and its solutions.

Explanatory Videos: This type of video is used to help your audience understand more clearly so that your product or service is needed. 

Animated Videos: These videos can be an excellent format for concepts that are complicated to understand and that need strong images to demonstrate an abstract service or product.

Case studies and videos of customer testimonials: Your customers want to assure that your product can solve their problems. And one of the best ways to verify this is through the creation of case study videos of customer testimonials that show their satisfied and faithful customers. 

Live videos: It offers its viewers a special and behind-the-scenes vision of their company; it also captures more extensive broadcasts and higher participation rates.

360° and virtual reality videos: This type of video allows viewers to view the video content from all angles, as if they were actually physically standing within the content.

Augmented reality (AR) videos: In this type of video, a digital layer is incorporated into what you are seeing. For example, you can focus your camera on the kitchen and AR allows you to see what your kitchen would look like in the space.

Custom messages: This video could be one of the most creative ways to continue talking or responding to someone by email or text messaging. Use Loom so you can record yourself summarizing an important meeting or offering personalized suggestions.